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Image by Sixteen Miles Out

Let us Reflect on His Word

(Deuteronomy 26:4-10; Ps 91(90); Romans 10:8-13; Luke 4:1-13)


Theme Reclaim and Renew the Life Secured Against the Tempter


We have begun one of our soul-searching seasons, during which we are called to renew our lives, already sanctified in the passion, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus, to be commemorated at Easter. Indeed, we are invited to reaffirm and re-commit to the profound values of our faith, which secure our access to the unfading life in Jesus, the New and greater Moses.        

As old Moses did with the people of Israel in today’s first reading, during the Lenten season, we are reminded to recount and acknowledge the Lord's deeds, examine the quality of our faith, ascertain whether we are within the camp and follow the commands of the Lord, and reflect on whether our connection to Him has evolved into an unbreakable bond of love. 

We need not fear a negative test of faith, which may indicate that we are weak and/or struggling to maintain our positions within the Lord’s shelter. In other words, it signifies that we have fallen short of divine expectations. Therefore, we must return to the author and perfecter of our faith, who reminds us through today’s Psalmist that He will answer when we call on His name.  

Our eyes must be fixed – not on the Tempter working hard to weaken our faith, destroy our peace and purpose, and make us dependent only on men and women – but on the Lord who bears our image in his hands and will never stop inviting us to pray and fast to rekindle His Spirit and rebuild spiritual immunities in our hearts and minds.  

Thus, the time has come for us to reaffirm that Jesus is our Lord and Saviour and fully embrace every word of His commands, illuminating the significance of our existence. In other words, let us revive and renew our worship of the Lord in our words and actions and learn to wait patiently for Him in trust and hope to address our predicaments. 
Therefore, the Lord is not only with us but within us; we need not test the effectiveness of His power, for the successes, joy, and happiness of those who cling to Him in love are assured in His way and in His own time. Thus, let us not be deceived by the Tempter, who sometimes appears in human form, particularly during the lowest moments of our lives, to stand between us and hope for a better and greater future. In word and action, we must resist the machinations of the enemies of faith, true love, family life, and community spirit. Let us work alongside the Lord, who has promised to deliver us in distress and grant us His glory.


Daily  Services

Saturday Vigil: Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help at 5:15 pm & Mass at 6:00 pm


Sunday Mass Times: 9:00 am & 11:00 am

9:00 am Children's Liturgy


Weekday Masses and Divine Office: 9:30 am


Masses are also streamed live


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:

Tuesdays to Thursdays 10:10 am - 11:05 am & Fridays 10:10 am - 7:30 pm


First Friday (Mass for the Sick): 12:30 pm

Choral Adoration on First Fridays 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm 


Masses on Holy Days of Obligation:  

9:30am & 7:30pm


Sacrament of Reconciliation: After morning Masses &

Saturdays 10:10 - 11:00 am & at call

Front view of St Margaret's
St Margaret of Scotland 
Roman Catholic Church
Archdiocese of Southwark

Fir Tree Grove, Carshalton Beeches, Surrey SM5 4NG


Tel: 020 8669 6483


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Image by Mateus Campos Felipe

©2025 by St Margaret of Scotland Catholic Church. Website design by Lisa Nwankwo, supported by Geoff Balls, Antoinette Ufo, and Tiffany Vallo.           Photography by Adrianna Furtado

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